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Corporate Relocation Service

We have identified a niche market which was lacking in the region, a Relocation Service for both the Private and Corporate sectors. Over the last number of years we have developed a strong relationship with many property professionals in the area; Bankers, Estate Agents, Property Managers, Mortgage Brokers and Solicitors, all of whom assist us in sourcing the various types of properties for which our Clients are searching, some of which may not even be on the open market.

We assist corporate clients searching for homes to let & Buy in the Mid-West region. With over Fifteen years’ experience in the property Industry, including a time in Central London in the hugely competitive property market there where we gained a wealth of knowledge and skills which enables us to provide a first class service without compromise.

Being 100% LOCAL, with an in-depth knowledge of the Property Marketing Limerick and the Mid-West Region, we are in an ideal position to source the Right Property for our clients. MREA can offer you a personal and professional service and because we have our finger on the pulse of the region’s Property Market, we can guide you through all the pitfalls to a successful completion without the stress associated with such a process.

We filter out the properties that do not match your requirements, your time is not wasted viewing properties that will simply not work for you. Our Clients tell us that our Service alleviates the stress and frustration usually associated with the “Search to Buy/Rent” process which they had experienced when searching on their own and in most cases, we deliver the desired results quickly.

Searching for property is a very time consuming and sometimes fruitless process. Clients who avail of this service understand that it is essential to have someone focused on progressing their search daily. We understand what represents fair value and in a rising market, where pickings are slim, and competition high, being quick enough off the mark is essential in order to stand a chance of buying/letting a good property is a real challenge, one we hope to take off our client’s To Do List.

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